cotton cotamination cleaner machine model yuvis crown

Vetal is a 30 years old ISO 9001 : 2000 certified electronics group company manufacturing products in Coimbatore, South India. Vetal Designs offers quality products and cost – effective solutions for wide range of industrial applications world wide in simplified forms. Textile Industry – (Ginning, Spinning)


Riding on the breakthrough of detecting white glittering PP as never seen before Vetal now added CROWN. Easy integration of the same into the existing Vetal Scan which helps in the detection of the reflective white PP to great extent.

Riding on the breakthrough of detecting white glittering PP as never seen before Vetal now added CROWN. Easy integration of the same into the existing Vetal Scan which helps in the detection of the reflective white PP to great extent.

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Riding on the breakthrough of detecting white glittering PP as never seen before Vetal now added CROWN. Easy integration of the same into the existing Vetal Scan which helps in the detection of the reflective white PP to great extent.

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Cotton Contamination Cleaning Machine VS-48 + Yuvis Combo

fire detection & Diverter system for blowing &carding Vetal

Fire Detection & Diverter System For Blowroom & Carding

cotton contamination cleaing machine model yuvis veta

Cotton Contamination Cleaning Machine Model – Yuvis